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D and S Hobbies **** 1314 S 4TH St, Hartsville, SC **** Hours: Mon-Fri 11-5:00 Sat 11-4 EST
Call 843-861-4258 or don@dandshobbies.com
We don't just sell RC, We sell Excitement for the Ground, Sky
 We have raced National RC Events and  fly with the Darlington County Balsa Busters and raced RC Boats.
We kinda do know something about RC
We are also a dealer for products associated with pan car racing. R1wurks, Hyperdrive, Muddslide, Futaba, Sanwa, XCeLL Batteries.
Check out our Facebook Page, D&S Hobbies for our link to our eBay Store.
 Starting to stock parts for the newest hottest oval racing.....1/18 1RC Racing. Lots of tracks popping up all over. A big track is located in Mooresville, NC, Race City Speed Factory. A very nice Local track is located Latta, SC...Rocket Speeday.

RC  Cars, Planes

Plastic Models 


Give us a call to get on our email list

843-861-4258 or email at don@dandshobbies.com



Check out our ebay store for airplane and car items at

great prices!  



DS RCParts

1RC Racing Asphalt Late Model w/ Custom Design









1RC Asphalt Late Model in Red. Comes also in Black or Clear

1RC-Racing has a lot of differt models to choose from.  Check out their website to see all they have!